Monday, September 26, 2005

Angel of Reiki Healing

Angel Painting of the Angel of Reiki

Soon to be made Available in several sizes

Wonderful for healing rooms, meditation rooms, Reiki Practitioners or Reiki Masters, Alternative Healing Centers

Angels by Sharae


Monday, September 19, 2005

Crystal Child - Angels & the Benefits of Art

Crystal Child - Angels & the Benefits of Art as an Alternative & Spiritual Healing Therapy By Sharae Taylor As more and more alternative and spiritual healings are being studied and documented they are finding that all forms of upliftment heals the body, mind and spirit. Angelic art falls within this category by uplifting the spirit. I do not claim Angel paintings create physical healings. Angel paintings soothe the emotions and create a more peaceful atmosphere helping today's society deal with the stressful world we now find ourselves in on a day to day basis. Angel paintings are unique. They are a form of healing art. Angelic art uplifts, motivates, comforts, soothes and inspires. Each painting holds it's own inspirational energy and you do not have to be a " Believer" for this to work. These paintings work on a deep emotional level, clearing, releasing and comforting the emotions and melting the stress of the day away. Inspiring within each individual that gazes upon them their own God like image and this is how the healing takes place. A place of beauty and perfection is remembered by the Soul." Divine energy is at work assisting alternative and spiritual healing through Angel therapy in the form of fine art. My Angel paintings for example are personal, Angels by Sharae, whether it be in one of my collection series or for a specific individual or relationship or group. Upon completion of each painting, I know that it is indeed meant for someone and their heart and soul will instantly know and respond to the Angel and the energy before them in the painting. My Angel art is a gift, given to and through my talent by Divine Angels guidance instructed to them by a much Higher Source. The Angels oversee and instruct every brushstroke and detail of paint color and every brushstroke within each painting ... they truly know "Who" the painting is for and the message it portrays. You can read more about how the paintings are created on my Sharae's Studio page. These paintings are truly a "Living" source of Divine Energy. I have witnessed some pretty amazing emotional releasements, and reactions when people have gazed upon them and truly responded with their soul ! Each day, more and more documented proof is coming through from the medical fields proving that Art and Music are truly a recognized healing tool to be used by everyone. Whether it be in participation, gazing upon or listening ... Art heals. This has always been known in the Alternative and Holistic medicines, but now is being used more and more in the traditional medicines opening up a whole new train of thought causing many, many positive results benefiting all. I look forward to it becoming an everyday occurrence ... just as a standard prescription is used. 'Healing With The Angels', by Doreen Virtue who also authored Angel Therapy, " teaches esoteric and practical methods that help you work with your Angels in healing your relationship, family and body issues." Angel or Angelic art is an extension of this therapy. Indigo and Crystal Children and the elderly respond to the Angel Paintings with a knowingness of love and illumination that comes from within them. Sometimes the reactions have been as though they are recognizing an old friend. I am a level 2 Reiki Practioner and I incorporate this energy into my paintings. Reiki is Japanese for Universal life - force or Spirtually -Guided Energy. Rei, Univeral all-energy compassing and all - knowing, and Ki, life - force energy, the same as Chi in Chinese. This is the energy that binds all living things together in unlimited amounts. With the guidance and wisdom of the Universe, this is the most powerful form of energy healing. I find the Angels like working with this gentle ever flowing enerygy and some of my Reiki practioner friends that do hands on Reiki healing treatments actually see the Angels working with them in their treatment sessions. Angels are so much more than we realize. I have found them to be a great source of information. They have a wonderful sense of humor and are always there when I need them consciously or unconsciously.I can almost hear the chuckling in the background as I sit here writing. I am an Angel artist not a writer, but as usual it seems the Angels have a different agenda so I might as well go along with it. They have gotten me out of my comfort zone more than once. They are my pep rally, they are my comfort through everything and my mentors and they never steer me away from my chosen path … my destiny, I am sure of it. The Angels just expand it and broaden it more than I could ever imagine when I started this quest so many years ago of helping and uplifting humanity with the love and the message of such definite light there can be no mistaking where the source of this energy comes from… The Divine. I only hope that people respond with their hearts in today’s times as there is so much love and compassion and healing just waiting for all. Let down the barriers and just accept the love that is so freely given and the help, healing and assistance that is just there for the asking. Every moment of everyday we are not alone, we don’t have to carry the burden that was never ours to carry. Release the pain, release the baggage that you carry to the Angels… just think it and it is done. It is that simple. The healing begins. If you want proof, ask for the proof it will be given this I can and will assure you. When you truly act and react from the heart your lives will blossom with more than you could ever imagine … more understanding of this world will encompass you. It is all right there … and it can be something so simple as a gentle whisper or the viewing of Angelic art that will confirm in your heart and knowingness … Angels are so much more than messengers. © 2005 Sharae Taylor Sharae Taylor is a well known Intuitive Angel Artist whose paintings are in world wide collections and her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey ,Donna Terody Sheratan,Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. Sharae has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors like Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel". Her Angel paintings are featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD by Llewellyn and New World Music and was featured in the February 2005 issue of Sharae is a published author in magazines and ezine magazines. Children refer to Sharae as "The Angel Lady". To view Sharae's Angelic art and for further information visit her website at: You have permission to publish this article electronicallyor in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines areincluded with link. A courtesy copy of your publication would beappreciated.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Children of the New World Conference - September 18, 2005

Llewellyn & Juliana will be officially launching their new 'Crystal Child' album at the Bedford conference with Sandra Sedgbeer - Editor of international magazine, Children of the New Earth. 9:00 - 9:30 (registration) 9:30 - 6:00pm

Llewellyn and Juliana - founders of the Earth Angel charity

Llewellyn and Juliana, the International song writers and performers, will be performing tracks live from their new album 'Crystal Child' at Bedford's Children of the New World Conference, 18th September 2005, Bedford Moat House Hotel. Children of the New World - South of England Tour - is supporting the Earth Angel Charity.

They will also be talking about the Earth Angel charity, set up by Llewellyn and Juliana and aims to help the indigo and crystal children of the world and sensitive children throughout the UK. For more details go to Earth Angel Charity .

More details on the Children of the New World Conference and how to attend the three conferences - dates & locations here:

Angels by Sharae is listed as one of the Resources for Crystal & Indigo Children in the 16 page valuable information CD sleeve

Angels by Sharae

Creating Angel Paintings specifically for the Indigo, Crystal and Starseed Child

Monday, September 05, 2005

"The Angel Lady"

Children are mesmerized by the Angel paintings created by Sharae Taylor and always refer to her as "The Angel Lady".
Having a close affinity with children, Sharae has been the connection children have needed as a verification for their being able to "see" Angels. Sharae, has worked personally guiding children through basic meditation to a calming and exciting meeting with their personal Guardian Angels.
"The results have been amazing as children no longer are afraid of the everyday ups and downs of life that children confront on a daily basis. To listen to the children express exactly what they see and what they hear from their Angels is Glorious ... there just isn't a word to describe the feeling that comes from them and the look on their beautiful faces as each one of them ... and I mean each one of them connects with their Angel. I have never had a child not connect with their Angel ... all they need is our acceptance of what they see and what they experience and the floodgates open when they feel safe to share with us their true relationship with the Angels"... states Sharae.
Sharae is in the process of creating a children's book on Angels.
Angel Artist, Sharae Taylor ... has been creating Angelic art with a passion for many years. Angel paintings filled with guidance, comfort, faith and a deep knowingness of the Divine and she is in constant communication with the Angels.
Angel Painting and more Angel Paintings... Commissioned Angel Paintings ...Sharae Taylor is an Intuitive Angel Artist with a definite purpose & on a spiritual journey "I Shall Paint Angels"...Art your soul responds to. This spiritual journey has led to many new things .. an Angel Art Gallery. Angels of Children, Guardian Angels, Archangels, Angel Gifts, Web design & magazine articles. Angel readings, articles about Angels. Author writing about Angels. Family portraits. Fine art, children's portraiture, whimsical children's art. Writing & illustrating her own children & Angel books for future publication. ' Divine Intervention ' oracle card and book set written by Barbara Rose & Illustrated by Sharae Taylor. Her purpose is to deliver artwork that has a ' message '. An incredible collection of Angels in art. Artist blog with new releases. Divine Energy paintings. Angel images. New ! Indigo & Crystal Children Angel paintings for child development ... Art for Indigo Child , Crystal Child and their Parents. Indigo Teen and Indigo Adult. Angel Articles & Angel Blogs. Christmas in July Specials ! Angel art gallery. Sharae is now offering Angel of Comfort Angel paintings specifically for grief & loss. ‘Angels & Virtue’ is another Angel painting now being offered.
Sharae's Angels were currently featured in the February issue of the online magazine, Planet ( sister sites to ( & The Children of the New Earth ( and is featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD in the United Kingdom, produced by Llewellyn ( for New World Music ( Llewellyn & Juliana will be officially launching their new 'Crystal Child' album at the Bedford, England ... Children of the New World Conference ... 18th September 2005 with Sandra Sedgbeer - Editor of international magazine, Children of the New Earth. Children of the New World - South of England Tour - is supporting the Earth Angel Charity set up by Llewellyn and Juliana and aims to help the indigo and crystal children of the world. "Angels by Sharae" is listed as one of the resources for the Indigo & Crystal Child in the valuable 16 page CD 'Crystal Child' sleeve insert.
For decades Sharae has channeled Divine energy through her Angel paintings and personalized messages. Due to multiple requests Sharae is now using her psychic & intuitive abilities in an even more personal way for her clients. She is now asking for clients and receiving personalized answers from her client's Angels pertaining to their direct questions they would like guidance on. The information Sharae receives about your questions is called " Ask Your Angel a Question" further information can be found on her website.
You just never know where the Angels are going to lead Sharae next ... so visit often to see where the journey leads ...
© Text & Image copyright of Sharae Taylor
Permission to reprint with these guidelines: context & link left intact

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Make Me Brave for Life

Make Me Brave for Life God, make me brave for life: oh, braver than this. Let me straighten after pain, as a tree straightens after the rain, Shining and lovely again. God, make me brave for life; much braver than this. As the blown grass lifts, let me rise From sorrow with quiet eyes, Knowing Thy way is wise. God, make me brave, life brings Such blinding things. Help me to keep my sight; Help me to see a right That out of dark comes light. ..... Author Unknown
Angels by Sharae
© Image - Sharae Taylor

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New ... September Angel Specials

Whether or not this is your first visit or one of many ... Please take the time to see all of the new changes and the new Angel Galleries and new Angel Paintings now being offered. Also new is "Ask Your Angel a Question", Angel Articles and Angel information blogs There are many new Angel gift ideas - read the "Angel of Comfort" story... Grieving & Loss or Sympathy gift. Relationship Angels make a special gift for all those special relationships in your life ... Angels & Virtue ~ 12 Divine Virtues Angel Paintings ... Archangels ... Family Angel Portraits ... Indigo Child Angels ... Crystal Child Angels A Year round Christmas Gallery as it is never too soon for me to be taking Christmas Gift orders ... A gift should be a "Memory Maker" ... Elegant and Lasting. There are so many "Specials" being offered right now to help with your "Christmas List" ... what a special way to say you care ... In these times we live in ... an Angel for each and every family or individual would be greatly appreciated ... to hang in someone's home or space as a continual reminder that we are not alone. We are continuously loved and looked after by a Higher Divine Power. Whether you order one for yourself or a gift take the time to think about the continual comfort an Angel can bring into the life or lives of many, including yourself. Each Angel Painting is completely individualized for who it is intended and a beautiful message specifically for the individual or family from the Angel is included. Shipping for the USA and International is included in my prices to keep it a simple ordering process. I hope you will take the time to explore my site and see whose life you might think of that would benefit from their own personal Angel painting created just for them ... sometimes we are the channel to bring Joy, Hope, Healing and Love into someone's life ...
Many Blessings,
Angels by Sharae
© Sharae Taylor: Text & Image