Sunday, July 24, 2005

Children of the New World Conference ... September 18, 2005

Llewellyn & Juliana will be officially launching their new 'Crystal Child' album at the Bedford conference with Sandra Sedgbeer - Editor of international magazine, Children of the New Earth. 9:00 - 9:30 (registration) 9:30 - 6:00pm

They will be performing their new song 'Crystal Child' at the Children of the New World Conference, 18th September 2005, Bedford Moat House Hotel. Children of the New World - South of England Tour - is supporting the Earth Angel Charity set up by Llewellyn and Juliana and aims to help the indigo and crystal children of the world.

More details here:

Angels by Sharae is listed as one of the Resources for Crystal & Indigo Children in the 16 page valuable information CD sleeve

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Attributes of a Crystal Child - by Sharyl Jackson

The Attributes of a Crystal Child - by Sharyl Jackson (As first printed in Children of the New Earth Magazine - Visit: What do we know about the children of the Crystal vibration? On the one hand, we know quite a lot. On the other hand, we know nothing very concrete. Like these children, the information at this time is more etheric, subtler and less obvious. Unlike their more "in your face" brother and sister Indigos, the Crystal children have not stirred things up - yet. September 11, 2001 was a turning point, a signal, and a gateway for this next wave of children. The Crystal children's time has come! Steve Rother and the Group call these kids The Peacemakers, while the Indigos have been called The Systems Busters. The Indigo kids were so named because of their distinctive indigo aura life color, indigo being the color of the third eye or the brow chakra. As such, they are very intuitive, mental, quick and easily bored. The Crystal children are so-called, not because of their aura color, but because of their high vibration. Perhaps it will be noted in time that Crystals are more dominant in the crown chakra, the violet color spectrum, even the white and clear aura. When did the Crystal children begin to arrive? There have always been a few according to the Group. These few were acting as scouts, testing the waters, but humanity did not treat them very well. Like the one known as Jesus the Christ, most often these scouts were killed, but they served the purpose of planting the seeds. It has often been noted that "Crystal and Christ" are very similar words and in this respect offer a similar definition. With the arrival of the Indigo children, we saw a dramatic increase in the number of children being diagnosed as hyperactive or with ADD by the medical community. Much has already been written of this phenomenon, so I shall leave that for the experts. However, I wondered how the Crystals would be labeled, so I began to observe. What I began to hear was the word "autistic." I am now quite convinced that we will see a dramatic increase in the number of autistic children. These are really the Crystal children who are so sensitive, so vulnerable to the world around them, that they go inward, disconnect as best they can from even humans and do their best to survive in a world where they really don't yet fit. Back to the question of how long the Crystal children have been here: In the last four decades or so, a few more than usual began to incarnate to anchor the energy. From my observation, it was one of the hardest jobs on the planet, but somebody had to do it, so a few "Great Ones" took on the task. How do we recognize these new children or some of the few adult Crystals who, as forerunners, anchored the necessary energies? They are not out and about raising havoc, they are quietly living in relative obscurity. I have had the pleasure and the honor, as well as the frustration, of raising one of these early Crystal pioneers who is now 28 years old. My personal experience, my intuition, and hints provided by Steve Rother and the Group are what I have used to compile a list of attributes of the children of the Crystal vibration. Please keep in mind that these attributes are not all inclusive, nor does every Crystal child necessarily exhibit every quality. Attributes of the Crystal Children * Extremely sensitive to everything in their environment -sound, colors, negative emotions in others, smells, food, chemicals, pollutants, the "feel" of clothing, violence, and pain of others, group consciousness, electromagnetic frequencies, solar flares. * So sensitive that they are deeply vulnerable, as well as very powerful because of their intense vulnerability. * They must have alone time. They do not live well in groups as few others understand their need for solitude, balance, rejuvenation, and deep quiet. * They must have daily communion with nature and elements. The Spirit of Nature will help them balance and clear all of the disharmonious energies that affect them so strongly. * They just plain do not understand "Man's inhumanity to Man," war, greed, etc., and thus can easily feel totally overwhelmed by it all. * If life should become too intense, or if they are traumatized or see and feel others being traumatized they will withdraw and disconnect from society in order to protect themselves. * Despite being quiet and self-effacing, others admire and are drawn to them like a magnet. They will have deep and lasting connections with humans who offer the unconditional love that the Crystal knows is the only true Love. * When a Crystal looks at you, you feel as if they have penetrated your very soul. * They really need very little traditional parenting as they are gentle, wise, and will be able to tell you what they need, as well as what is good or not good for them. When my son was very young, he said one day, "I can never drink alcohol or take any drugs at all!" And he hasn't! * They will often avoid crowds or malls, as there are too many different energies at such places for them to cope with. * They have a deep love for children and animals, and a remarkable way of connecting with all creatures. * Water is very beneficial in clearing and soothing them. They love baths, showers, waterfalls, fountains, playing in water and sand. * They require comfortable clothing of their choice of natural fibers and colors. * They require lots of pure water and often prefer fresh organic food. * It is not uncommon for these children to 'tell' their parents their name before they are born, and engage in other direct communication. * Miracles and magic happen around them - money appears, animals seek them out, babies smile at them, healings occur naturally and spontaneously. * They are extremely empathic to the point of knowing what a complete stranger in the street is feeling. *They have a fear of intimacy because they so easily feel invaded, not respected. They would rather be alone than have their "personal body space" disregarded. They may also avoid romantic relationships for fear of hurting another if the relationship ends. * There is an innocence, a guilelessness, a purity about Crystals; this is due to the absence of ego. * They may need help in learning to ground their energy with physical activity, nature, sports, martial arts, yoga or dance. * They may disrupt electrical appliances, radios, TVs, computers. * They often refrain from showing emotion for fear of its amplification and losing control. This can make them appear to be flat or passionless. * They can feel responsible for someone dying or getting hurt or even fighting. * They can have periods of deep depression. * They respond well to body work, massage, and energy work by someone who is themselves balanced. Massage and cranio-sacral therapy may be crucial to keeping their bodies healthy and pain-free. * They will often have a high metabolism and be natural vegetarians. * They are bright, "big-picture" individuals with an instinctual understanding of the spiritual laws, and of how it all works. * They have a clear connection to their higher self, naturally accessing their highest guidance. It is precisely because of this connection that they know the truth of spiritual Oneness. * They are natural healers and peacemakers. * They are multi-talented. * They are capable of regeneration of bone and tissue. Where most of us are gradually being upgraded - ascending to the Crystal energy, it is already in their DNA. * They may be individuals of a few words, but everyone listens when they quietly express their wisdom with humility. However, they will not give advice without being asked and will never interfere. Keeping all this in mind, it is possible to get a good picture or feeling of what the Crystal children are like and what they are here for. If you use your intuitive abilities to tune into the energy of these children, and create Oneness with them, the result on the planet will be astounding. © 2002 Sharyl Jackson - reprinted from Children of the New Earth Magazine Sharyl Jackson ... A former public school teacher, turned tax accountant, Sharyl Jackson is an Associate Editor of Children of the New Earth Magazine (, as well as Editor of the Children of the New Earth section on A fount of knowledge on the new children, Sharyl not only acts as an advisor to many children and parents via her highly popular Letters to Sharyl sections in the Children of the New Earth magazine, and on, she is herself a mother to many grown children and a host of a weekly meditation group in Seattle, Washington. She can be contacted at

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Indigo and Crystal Children - Angel Artist Given New Assignment

Indigo and Crystal Children - Angel Artist Given New Assignment Internationally renowned Angel artist, Sharae Taylor, of Angels by Sharae ( announced today her New Assignment is "Angels for the Indigo Child and the Crystal Child". Art for a New Age (PRWEB) May 3, 2005 -- Sharae has had a strong affinity to the Indigo Children for quite some time. She personally, has a grandson that fits all the criteria for the Indigo child. He is gifted, talented and possesses a warrior Spirit. As Sharae began to understand more about the true purpose in the Indigo child being here on Earth, she realized how very crucial it is for us to support the Indigo child. A light to keep burning, their specialness needs to be recognized and accepted, their spirits calmed, balanced and restored and exalted...for they are our future. They are the wayshowers and the wayclearers for the Crystal child that is now coming in behind them...the gentle spirits. The Crystal child is also sensitive and easily recognized by their happy spirit and the all knowing large eyes characteristic of these little ones. These Crystal children also need their spirits calmed, balanced and restored on a daily basis. Music and Art is a must in their environment. Gentle beauty and peacefulness is like fertilizer to the garden for these two special types of children. As always, Sharae is delegated by her inner knowingness and her connection to the Angels that now is the time for their help to manifest in the physical reality for these children through her Angel paintings. Sharae has been instructed these children have an additional Angel assigned to them at birth in addition to the Guardian Angel we all have. This Angel watches over them and assures their spirit of the importance of their life's mission at this particular time in our planet's evolution. This physical likeness of their Angel helps to stabilize their personalities and is recommended the Angel painting be hung in the room where they sleep and recharge from the day's stress of everyday living. These paintings all have a specific purpose and are completely individualized for each Indigo child, Crystal child and Indigo teen and Indigo Adult."To calm, balance and restore their energies ... is why I have been given this new type of Angel paintings.They are instilled with and bring the energies of the additional Angel that has been assigned to these special children. These paintings are created in the traditional way that I have always been instructed to paint my Angel paintings, but there is a new twist added to the Angel paintings for the Indigo and Crystal Children ...many additional layers of paints and glazes are added to these paintings requiring drying time between each level.These paintings reach a new depth that I hasn't been brought forth until now ... as I experience more and more of these paintings I will be able to share with you the additional information I gain and am given ... I fully trust these paintings are what they claim to be from the witnessing I have been able to see of the paintings I have actually been able to place in the individual's hand for whom the painting was intended and first hand see and feel their reaction ... I will keep you updated." stated Sharae. "Sharae is a fantastic Intuitive Angelic Medium where she is bringing through messages from the Angels in her paintings to help uplift humanity. I know from having spoken with her many times on what she "sees" and the energies that swirl around her, that she is, in fact, bringing a healing balm to the many souls that want a feeling of Angelic presence, and inner peace. She works from the heart center, and cares deeply about uplifting humanity. This, I have found, is one of her greatest motivations, and as a result, her work is entirely inspiring and uplifting, as well as beautifully filled with Angelic messages and energy. Both she and her work are treasures." ... Barbara Rose, Editor, Inspire! magazine ( Sharae Taylor is a highly collectible and sought after internationally well known intuitive Angel artist on a passionate spiritual journey whose paintings are in world wide collections. Her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey , Donna Terody Sheratan, Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. She has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors, Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel".Sharae's Angels were currently featured in the February issue of the online magazine, Planet ( sister site to ( & Children of the New Earth ( is featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD in the United Kingdom, produced by Llewellyn ( for New World Music ( Sharae's Angels and the new Angels for the Indigo Child and Crystal Child can be seen at her extensive gallery website # # # © Sharae Taylor Full permission for reprint provided content and links are left unchanged.